My Story – Janaki

I came to Jeevan Jyoti Ashram (JJA) after receiving my tenth class certificate from the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha. I was warmly welcomed by all the children there. We all looked up to Mr. Prafula Senapati, the head of the ashram. He was our godfather and we called him Bapa. We lived as a big family and took care of each other. We all shared a home that was filled with love and caring.

At the same time I was quite worried about my future. I found out that I could only stay at JJA until I turned eighteen and then I had to leave. I was not sure what educational field to pursue, as I considered myself as only an average student. In addition, I was not very comfortable speaking, reading or writing English. That is when our counsellor, Mita Ma, suggested there were several opportunities for pursuing a technical education at the Kalinga Institute of Technology (KIIT). She guided me through the application process and I was successful in getting admitted to a two-year program in Electronics and Mechanics there. I was also offered housing in the dormitory. I am so grateful to Bapa and Mita Ma for helping me find this opportunity. I also want to express my gratitude to my sponsor family in Greensboro, USA, for their support of my education.    

